Wednesday, September 20, 2017

9/11: An Unholy Wound We Should Re-open

Re-opening the 9/11 wound is crucial, although there are even many progressives (even Caitlin Johnstone) who dismiss the value of unstitching it.  And yet it sheds a lot of light on the exact character of those currently holding power in the United States.   If people could see that the powers that be would go so far as to destroy American property on American soil, kill thousands of its own citizens, and blame in on Al-Qaeda or Bin-Laden in order to profit from war, then maybe we could drop our illusions about their good intentions and see the road to hell they have set us all on.  It is a road of endless war, and environmental collapse, for the sake of making a few people obscenely rich.  It really is that stupid, and ruthless, and greedy.

I'll say it:  9/11 was an inside job and a false flag.  There is a shit-ton of evidence that it was (explore the web site , but, I will limit it to 4 salient elements:

1) The attacks' use as false justification for the invasion of Iraq
2) The physics-defying explanations of all three towers' collapses and other related phenomena
3) A comparison to general traits of other, established false-flag operations
4) What Bush and friends conveniently gained from it all

...Let me say in addition that EACH ONE of these is a deal breaker for the idea that it was purely an outside job.

1) The 9/11 narrative quickly quickly dovetailed with the false WMD narrative that drove the Iraq war, almost as if it was meant to.  The whole WMD accusation was baseless, and, IMO, a shameless lie to allow American oil companies to control the previously nationalized Iraqui oil (which they now actually do; Americans have stolen the Iraquis oil, and now control it).  The false WMD narrative went hand-in-hand with the one about 9/11, and you have to consider that this was not a coincidence.  

2) The other main piece of evidence, just as yuge (or yuger) as the Bushes' tainted motives, is simply the speed and neatness with which all THREE buildings went down.  All three collapses resembled very closely only one phenomenon: controlled demolition.  They  came up with the "pancaking" sound byte in order to "explain" the collapse of the two main towers, which was already horseshit, but it didn't even apply to Tower 7, which was constructed differently, A, and was not hit by any plane, B.  For Tower 7, we were supposed to believe that burning office furniture was enough to take a steel-skeletoned structure down to the ground, neat as a pin, at freefall speed.  No jet fuel, even.  Some have proposed that Tower 7 had a "crack" in it (and I have heard other theories) but a crack could never explain the free fall speed nor the neatly falling into its own foundation.  Cracks are cracks, and not controlled demolitions.  In fact, each collapse has two things in common: one, they met none of the criteria for fire-driven collapse; and, two, they met every criteria for controlled demolitions.  Every.  One. 

So, all you have to do is watch the footage of each tower's falling--3 steel-framed towers tumbling to the ground at freefall speed in one day, when that had never, ever happened before, is right there simply beyond believing.  Each one fell straight into its foundation, furthermore, despite suffering damage which was decidedly asymmetrical.  Just one of them would be crazy impossible, let alone three.  Let alone Building 7, which didn't even get hit by any plane. 

To be truly suspicious, that's all you have to see; but somehow, huge numbers of people  have witnessed what went down and entertain explanations that simply defy physics.

But don't take just my word for it; listen to the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, at

The other piece that goes along with the unnatural collapses is that they got the wreckage out of there so fast!  They cleared a crime scene before it could be adequately investigated, and disposed of evidence, loading all that steel and rubble onto boats to Japan.  To a land far, far away.  Nothing says “something’s fishy here” like flushing the evidence, folks.  Furthermore, nothing displays an intimidating power like pulling off such a flagrant cover-up in front of God and everybody. 

Yet another piece is the pulverization of the concrete, which would never happen, even if "pancaking" were a thing (the pancaking sound byte may have worked even better by conjuring images of pancake flour everywhere?  Are people really that simple-minded?).  According to the aforementioned architects and engineers, only explosive charges pulverize concrete like that.  Plus, burning steel continued to glow in the rubble pile long after the collapses--a characteristic, besides the pulverization, of thermite explosives used, again, in controlled demolitions.  Consistent with this trend, people on the scene were reporting explosions just prior to the collapses, and the explosions themselves are actually visible in the footage as plumes of dust ejecting horizontally from the sides of the towers as they completely crumble to the ground into their own footprints.  Well--what about that?

Obviously, Tower 7 was supposed to have been struck by a plane as well.  Something went wrong with that, it crashed elsewhere, or something, but they decided to blow up the intended tower anyway.  Even though that was extremely difficult to explain, they counted on the numbness and shock to sell a naked emperor as fully clothed to the public.  Obviously, it worked.  A lot of people are unaware that Tower 7 went down at all.  Others have never stopped to consider the preposterous idea that office fires can throw down a steel structure.  One witness, Barry Jennings, Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the NY City Housing Authority, whose version of events directly contradicted the party line, was disappeared--has disappeared, I mean.  Ahem.  He’s gone.  Maybe he’s in Japan, with the rest of the evidence.  No one knows.

4) Applying the "cui bono" principle--"for whose benefit?", we see that the Bush-Rockefeller banks and Military-Industrial-Oil-Banking complex got pretty much all of their wish list met as a result of 9/11.  So, they had motive, and a lot of it, and evident willingness to outright lie.

At the very least that the Bush Administration, and the interests it was representing, would resort to falsehoods to get the backing of the American people for a dirty and baseless, but very profitable war.  [BTW, I am far from singling out the Bushes as people willing to do such things--others, both Republican and Democrat (I'm talking to you, Clinton-Bidens!), have sung along with this tune].  So they would certainly not balk at lying about something that would have made them look even more greedy, plus psycho- and sociopathic: blowing up the World Trade Towers for money.

In conclusion, had the towers suffered from merely a couple of plane collisions, they would not have fallen at all.  Even if we were to enter the fantasy world in which fireproofed structural steel melts to pudding at the temperature of burning jet fuel, if they HAD fallen, they would have done so much more unevenly, and partially, and slowly.  Chunks would have toppled to one side or the other and a large number of floors not collapsed at all, but remained sticking up, in uneven fashion from their foundations.  There would have been no significant pulverization of concrete, but rather some crumbling as a result of the concrete's twisting and pulling apart.  There certainly would not have been huge clouds of dust barreling down the streets of Manhattan like sandstorms. 

One can only think that the plan all along was to create something much more catastrophic than three smoking holes in three towers; the idea was to create a real, live cataclysm, claiming many more lives and doing much more damage, and causing more zombied-out trauma on the part of the news viewing public (which could then be manipulated into agreeing to almost any form of retaliation).  Two or three smoking holes in two or three towers, caused by airplane impact, and a few hundreds dead, would have been horrible and shocking enough, but MUCH less dramatic than what we got, and less likely to cancel out the critical thinking skills of an entire population.  Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, as was claimed, but you’ll notice that the Iraq War has killed  half a million people, anyway, and made a choice few very rich.

The collapse which is slow, partial, relatively dustless, or indeed nonexistent is much more plausible for three towers supported by interconnected steel beams.  But I suppose you can make anything look plausible with a schematic, and an animated graphic of how the towers were supposed to have fallen, and some ‘expert’ testimony on the trusted mainstream news. 

Throw in the horrible feeling that almost anyone would get from believing that our own government and corporations could do such a thing to their own population; throw in the fact that those responsible control the media and could thereby exclude most challenges to the official story; throw in that, if they were willing and able to kill thousands of people in cold blood as a means to beat the war drum and line their own pockets, that they would surely not blink at killing any credible witnesses who came forward.  Plus which, I imagine that any witnesses who were truly in the know would be well aware of their danger should they come forward.  Throw all that in, and any ‘conspiracy’ interpretation is very, very hard to sell; because such witnesses as there are remain inside the fog of the public's blissful ignorance. 

Not only that, but the powers that be, despite their obvious combinations of motive, means, and scrupulousness, have done a superb job of making so-called 'conspiracy theorists' look like loony losers.  I have to admit it's a brilliant reversal, on their part, because We The People have watched three steel-skeletoned towers miraculously fall into their own footprints--"It was just like a movie!" was the insightless refrain--and yet anyone who, reasonably, cries foul is part of the tinfoil-hat brigade, end of story. Or, they just get blank looks and a "next topic, please".  All this despite the fact a conspiracy  is just what it sounds like: it involves cons and it involves piracy--and you're going to tell me that those two things never happen in combination at the highest levels?  Bitch, please.*

This is a government which, along with its corporate clients, is cold, and sociopathic, and addicted to wealth and power.  The two in combination work much more like a mafia than anything democratically designed to further the well being of all citizens everywhere.  Who wants to look THAT reality in the eye?  But I’m afraid that that’s exactly what the evidence points to.  The Bushes and their oil and war-machine cronies benefitted very directly from all this.  Even despite a mind-numbing level of media passivity, Bush and friends have been exposed as very willing to lie and barely bat an eye as scads of civilians are murdered for their own profit.  They had motive, they had access (Dubya’s COUSIN—hello?!was in charge of security for the Twin Towers at the time), it's all fishy as hell, and their official story adds up to exactly bullshit.

False flag ops--manufactured crises designed to mobilize public opinion behind typically brutal and often unnecessary (but very profitable power grabs, to some) military actions--are a matter of record.

THIS is a very informative "op"-ed from the website Anti Media, along with a handy profile detailing what false ops look like  It notes:

The false flag phenomenon is distinctively modern and used as an ideological weapon to control populations with the fear of a manufactured enemy. They are used in ostensibly democratic systems where people believe they have inalienable rights. Such democratic systems—primarily the United States, Israel, and Great Britain—must shock people into sociopolitical and geopolitical consent and, as such, require sophisticated modern propaganda systems and advanced covert operations teams with highly proficient skills.

In other words, your right to vote combined with your humanity threatens the preemptive shutdown of wealthy and powerful elite's cash-cow war plans, on behalf of all those innocent civilians who will be blown to bits along the way.   So they have to put on a bit of military theater in order to get you, the voter, on board.  And nice media helps!  GOLLUM!

(Just for fun, let's apply Anti Media's Warning Signs of a False Flag Operation to that fateful day in September:

~There is an immediate comprehensive narrative, including a convenient culprit.--Al Qada, Osama Bin Laden--check!

~The mainstream media immediately proffer a narrative that completely explains the event** and encourages citizens to tie their intellectual understanding of the tragedy to the emotions they experience.--Despite a very limp investigation in which much of the evidence was deliberately deep-sixed, the media pretty much bought the Al Qada-Bin Laden line, and hammered on it from the beginning.--check!

~There are often legislative, ideological and sociopolitical power plays waiting in the wings, which the government can immediately implement.--The Patriot Act, ahem--check!

~The official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body.--besides that which is covered below in this blog, Afghanistan.  Surveillance of the citizenry.  Other suspensions of civil liberties.  Huge profits--all CHECK!

~The narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue.--see below--check. 

~Military training drills and police drills occur on the day of and very near the attack itself, causing confusion to obscure eye witness testimony and allowing orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation and backup operatives.--The NORAD drills of 9/11, which do not account for the lack of military presence to protect the Twin Towers at all, but did provide a convenient excuse for what looked like, at the very least, extreme incompetence by the U.S.A.F. and our Commander-In-Chief--check!

Der Jim adds this: The event acts as a major distraction from embarrassing evidence of heinous corruption, and boost sitting politicians' popularity--The 2.3 TRILLION$ of dollars which had just previously been reported by Donald Rumsfeld as "missing"--that is, spent without having been accounted for--from the Pentagon's budget.--The so-called terrorist plane, supposedly piloted by an amateur terrorist, which did an expert hairpin turn to reach its target, the Pentagon itself, also miraculously nailed the offices where evidence of this extreme defrauding of the taxpayer had resided.  Not only that, but George W. Bush's approval numbers soared to 91% after 9/11--check!  check!  check!

And this: Key witnesses who might contradict the official narrative (in)conveniently die--remember Barry Jennings? He did not live to be able to give the lie to the final NIST report on the collapse of World Trade Center 7.  Also, the circumstances around his demise were very suspiciously stanky--check.

To sum up: check, check, check, CHECK, check, check, check-check, check!!!!!!!!!

The U.S. has been, confimed and documented, complicit in 5 false ops: the so-called Gulf of Tonkin Incident (actually an empty non-incident) that kicked off the entire Vietnam war (obviously, it was very successful despite being a total deception), as well as Operations Gladio and Ajax, COINTELPRO, and the Lavon Affair. Other conspiracies could be named that were not false-ops, such as Project MKUltra, a loving CIA investigation into the possibilities of brainwashing, with plenty of mind-fucked victims.  MKUltra is a matter of record, and demonstrates the ruthlessness with which the governmental-corporate alliance bodies can implement its agendas.

According to the evidence, they went much further than gunboat theater or mind control of a few individuals on 9/11, much further than simply looking the other way while the enemy approached.  This time, through meticulously planned violence and deceit, they ripped away thousands of American lives on American soil, in the process emotionally wounding the loved ones of the slain, and traumatizing many more common citizens who repeatedly watched the repeatedly played footage and repeated repeated repeated commentary of that day, in a haze of zombified numbness.  In that collective state of shock, the American public could be sold just about any bill of goods that promised some sort of redress for the harm done.  Said "bill" was the Iraq War, which was just waiting in the wings to happen well before 9/11.

The chilling conclusion: the U.S. mafia is getting even bolder and more brutal.

The stakes were high: Bush and cronies were set to make billions and billions of U.S. dollars.  Think of the munitions and aviation industries.  You think the Bushes have no friends in those industries?  Think of the billions in U.$. gold spent on fossil fuel--a Bush family investment--alone.  Think of mercenary contractors that would be hired to fight in Iraq like Blackwater, an organization with "long ties to the White House and prominent Republicans, including Ken Starr"’re talking yachts, and expensive cars for the whole family and family friends, and private jets, and even greater influence on the political system than they already had—even more power, more freedom. 

Do people think that the rich and powerful would just say no to all that because it involved the deaths of 2500 relatively unimportant Americans?  Many more than that had already died in wars for oil when 9/11 happened.

And the deaths of those Americans allowed them an unprecedented level of control--hello, 'Homeland Security'!  Hello, control of Iraqi oil and big, bad bully status in the Middle East!  Hello, privatized mercenary armies far from the reach of democratic protest!  They were going to just say YES to all of the above, like a kid in a candy store.

I'll tell you this: I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure.  Due to dumped evidence and silenced witnesses, no one outside of the cons-piracy may ever know.  But 9/11 was a win-win-win-win-WIN for the Bush oil dynasty and everyone with which it had dealings.

Think about it.

*For more thoughts on cons-piracy, I have an entire blog entry on the subject, "The No-Conspiracies Theory" at;postID=2413465687927295832;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=6;src=postname

**And before a proper investigation.  The narrative was constructed and accepted long before even the sham investigation compiled with egregious bias by the so-called '9/11 Commision'--Der Jim