Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Peace is not just a negative—an absence of war or discord.  It is not inactivity.  It is a positive force unto itself that one can feel and express.  It is nothing less than the life force freed from pathological polarization and rigid infighting.  When peace reigns, one opposite does not dominate or tyrannize the other.  For example, action does not make receptiveness its slave, nor receptiveness action.  Rather, each pair of opposites rotates and interchanges, cycling in and out of each other in balanced fashion.  We hear a hum to this ongoing motion, a music, a harmony.  We feel life flowing within ourselves and around us.  Peace is both the harmonizing drive that begets this harmonized force, and the force itself.  In other words, Peace births and seeks and expands itself, and if we invite ourselves to feel this deep and wide ranging process going on in every corner of our self and world, then we have begun a partnership with peace, a collaboration, an expansion.