Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What's Happened to My Beautiful Sky?

"Chemtrails" vs. "Contrails"....My mind is open on this one, sometimes I think, Why wouldn't they use chemicals to block the sun's rays so things don't get too hot down here?  That's exactly what a world that had already f'ed up the climate would do, isn't it?  Is that so hard to believe?  Is the fossil fuel industry going to stop burning the oil and coal because it’s “dirty”?  That's not an option to those who have already bought the petroleum still in the ground and traded on its value.  They going to look for a band-aid to stick on the hemorrhage.  Whether that's chemtrails or something else, I find such a scenario very believable. 

Some of the pictures purporting to show tanks of chemicals on planes do appear to be ballast tanks used for testing aircraft for their payload weight, and some of the photos put forth by the chemtrail side do seem to have been doctored.  However, just because some photos are of ballast tanks does not mean that other planes don’t have other kinds of tanks in them.  And it's doubtful that employees involved are pursuing photo shoots with actual chemical tanks in the background--"Me, at work."  In fact, the ballast tanks prove that planes can stow large amounts of liquid, and therefore spewing chemtrails from planes is entirely possible.  My question is, hasn't anybody ever taken a plane BEHIND one of these allegedly chemtrailing planes to sample the chemicals therein?  Since they persist for so long, that seems entirely possible to do and a way to shed a little more light on this debate. 

As for the difference between the old days (my boyhood and earlier adulthood) and the present day, it is certainly the case that many, many more planes are in the air now.  Perhaps they are also flying higher, which makes contrails more likely to form.  I understand that Britain is considering making planes fly lower so as to avoid this ugly smeary smudgy shite in the sky all the time.  Well, then they’ll have more noise.  It does seem to me that as a boy I HEARD planes much more than I do now, but then again I was within a fairly short drive's distance of O'Hare then.  Still, maybe planes were flying generally lower at that time. 

What is without question is that the trails planes leave are sullying the sky big time these days, whereas in the past they simply did not, old photos of isolated plane trails notwithstanding.  There came a certain point in time, relatively recently, when I started to notice this and get quite sad about it. Since I have mostly live in the city, I am always surrounded by the uglification of the landscape by way of unlovely structures and pavement, so I would always look to the sky for some reassurance.  I would say to myself, "Well, at least they haven't messed that up".  I would get my daily dose of beauty by looking up.  I am fifty now, and I would say that some time in the last ten to fifteen years, I have often no longer been able to say even that much. 

This past Winter and Fall were quiet in terms of plane trails.  Nevertheless, they are back with a vengeance now.  Every time we had enough sun and a bit of warmth for me to get some vitamin D (which has been rare), those blue patches of sky became cross-hatched with plane exhaust fumes, all this Spring.  It makes me angry and sad.  It makes me never want to get on a plane again.  It makes me want to get a horse.